Careless And Reckless Driving In Colorado
Reckless Driving Overview
Careless and Reckless Driving in Colorado
When discussing unsafe driving in the context of traffic accidents, the lines between criminal and civil liability can often get blurred. The purpose of this article is assist readers in understanding both the criminal and civil legal issues that can arise from a Colorado traffic accident. To that end, we’ll first look at criminal elements by examining the elements required to sustain the common charges alleged, subsequent to a traffic accident, of careless or reckless driving. This article then will examine the civil liability that most routinely results from negligent driving and how the civil and criminal liability differ from each other.
General Elements of Careless and Reckless Driving Charges
In Colorado, there are two primary types of driving criminal offenses involving drivers operating their vehicles in an unsafe manner; “careless driving” and, the more serious offense of “reckless driving.” While the majority of Colorado traffic infractions and offenses can only be charged when they take place on a public thoroughfare, people can be charged with either careless or reckless driving for driving unsafely on either public or private property.
Both offenses require the prosecution to prove two basic elements in order for a driver to be convicted. The first is that the driver must be operating a vehicle at the time of the offense in a careless or reckless manner. The term “vehicle” covers cars, motorcycles and trucks, but also includes electric bicycles (commonly called mopeds), scooters, and even ordinary bicycles and similar non-motorized vehicles. Hence, if it’s a vehicle of any kind, chances are there is the potential for criminal liability if it’s driven or ridden unsafely.
The second major part of a careless or reckless driving offense requires a culpable mental state of the driver and is different for the two offenses. This second basic element often poses a substantial challenge to prosecutors who must prove each basic element of the crime to a judge or jury beyond a reasonable doubt. The different mental states for careless driving and reckless driving will be discussed at length below.
Threshold Mental State to Sustain a Charge of Careless Driving (C.R.E. § 42-4-140)
In order for drivers to be successfully prosecuted for careless driving, the prosecution must prove that they were driving their vehicles in a careless and imprudent manner without due regard for the width, grade, curves, corners, traffic, and use of the streets and highways and all other attendant circumstances. Colorado courts have found that a person who knowingly chooses to drive without such due regard, which creates a possibility that property may be damaged or that others will be injured, has the required state of mind to be found guilty of careless driving. Essentially, this means that if a driver consciously operates their vehicle in a way they know to be dangerous, they may be exposing themselves to criminal liability. Some potential examples of careless driving are:
- Exceeding the speed limit in rainy, foggy or icy conditions.
- Weaving in and out of traffic in a dangerous manner on a crowded highway.
- Exceeding the speed limit by an excessive amount.
If a driver operates his or her vehicle carelessly, and that conduct causes serious injury or death, by statute the driver will be subject to stricter criminal penalties.
Threshold Mental State to Sustain a Charge of Reckless Driving (C.R.E. § 42-4-1401)
As mentioned above, reckless driving is a more serious offense that requires a more culpable mental state than that required for the prosecution to prove careless driving. As a result, for the state to successfully prosecute a case against a defendant who has been charged with reckless driving, the prosecution must prove that he or she was driving or riding a vehicle in a manner that “…indicate(s) either a wanton or willful disregard for the safety of persons or property…” Thus, when a driver “consciously chooses a dangerous course of action which to a reasonable mind may create a strong probability that injury to others will result” he has the necessary mental state to sustain a charge of reckless driving. Some potential examples of reckless driving are:
- Playing a game of “chicken” by driving your vehicle directly at another vehicle intentionally.
- Driving at twice the speed limit in a highly populated residential area when children are present.
- Intentionally cutting off another vehicle while driving at high speeds.
Establishing Civil Liability Arising from Negligent Driving and How Criminal Convictions Affect Civil Liability
Regardless of the criminal implications that may potentially also arise from negligent driving, the four pillars of a civil case arising from negligent driving remain duty, breach, causation, and damages. As a result, plaintiffs’ attorneys must prove that it is more likely than not that the defendant in a civil case had a duty to drive without being negligent, which he or she breached and which proximately and factually caused damage to their client(s). Further, while it is safe to say that a conviction of criminal careless or reckless driving, which careless or reckless driving caused damage to a plaintiff, may in fact lead to sufficient evidence of civil negligence, not all acts that result in a finding of civil negligence in a civil lawsuit are enough to sustain a charge of careless or reckless driving at a criminal trial.
Also, while the criminal side of negligent driving requires the prosecution to establish culpable mental state, there is essentially no such requirement to prove negligence in civil cases. Put simply, a driver can breach their duty to drive safely in a way that exposes them to civil liability, but not criminal responsibility.
Further, the standard in a civil case to establish liability against a defendant is more likely than not that the defendant was the cause of the damages. In a Colorado criminal case, involving a charge of careless driving or reckless driving, the standard of proof the prosecution must meet to convict a driver is the far stricter standard of guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. Some examples of negligent driving behavior, which are unlikely to rise to the level of careless or reckless driving, are a driver causing a plaintiff damages due to:
- Driving carefully, but missing a stop sign and thereby causing an accident.
- Accidentally backing up into another vehicle in a parking lot.
- Checking side view mirrors to change lanes and accidentally rear-ending the vehicle in front of you when it slows or stops.
In any of the three cases above, if a plaintiff’s attorney can prove that in the particular situation a reasonable person would have acted in a different, more careful manner, even momentarily, it is likely they will be able to obtain damages from the driver. However, a prosecutor would find it more difficult to sustain a criminal charge of careless or reckless against the individual driver absent further, aggravating circumstances.
That being said, if a driver is convicted of careless or reckless driving and the particular incident resulting in the charges also resulted in injury to a plaintiff, or damages to a plaintiff’s personal property, it is probable that plaintiff may use the criminal conviction to establish negligence per se and recover damages from the negligent driver. In order to prove negligence per se a plaintiff must demonstrate to the court that the defendant broke a law that provides for a criminal penalty in addition to showing that by breaking the law the respondent caused the kind of damages the law was intended to prevent. Further, the plaintiff must show that he or she is a member of the class of persons the law was written to protect. Finally, if a person is convicted of careless or reckless driving in a criminal court, the judge may order the defendant to pay the parties damaged by his misconduct directly through a process of law known as criminal restitution.
Dealing With Civil Cases and/or Criminal Charges Resulting from Negligent Driving
When a driver has been charged with careless or reckless driving, it’s important that they speak with an attorney who fully understands the letter of the law as well as the often complicated civil, criminal and restitution court proceedings that may result from these charges. The law firm of Ross Koplin has extensive experience with traffic law and has successfully defended numerous clients facing charges of careless and/or reckless driving. If you know a driver who has been charged with either or both traffic violations, we encourage you to contact us as soon as possible so that we can help you formulate an impregnable defense and move your case forward.
Legal Disclaimer – The information contained at this web site is not intended to be legal advice and all information regarding Colorado criminal law is general content only and should not be relied upon for any specific Colorado criminal law situation. Information on this web site is not intended to be comprehensive and does not cover all the issues, nuances or ramifications related to the topic discussed. This web site may not be updated routinely to reflect the very most current Colorado law.
Individuals should consult an experienced Denver criminal attorney, Denver DUI laywer, or Denver traffic lawyer for advice regarding an individual situation.
“Ross helped me remove citation from my record. I am Nebraskan who was wrongfully ticketed by Colorado State Troopers. Good job Ross, your help is appreciated…. As for Colorado State Troopers, nothing nice can be said about them, bunch of arrogant pricks ….do not pay their tickets…..hire Ross, he will fight them…”
“I recently retained the services of Ross Koplin for a traffic violation in Aurora, CO. He is very professional and very knowledgeable. He kept me informed throughout the whole process and the outcome was beyond my expectations. He is worth it.”
“Ross Koplin was a huge help on my traffic case. He is highly professional, kept me up to date on the case, always listened to my concerns, spent the extra time and effort in working with the DA to come to a more than reasonable conclusion and came through in helping me keep my license. What impressed me the most was that he always answered the phone – I was never sent to voice mail or had to wait for a response – something hard to find in this day and age. I would highly recommend Ross Kolpin. I feel lucky to have found him. I can’t say Thank You enough!”
“I hired Ross to represent me in a Displaying Fictious Plates traffic case and I am more than satisfied with the outcome he was able to provide. Ross kept me updated and in contact throughout the entire process and in the end got my case reduced down. I’m a very happy client and Ross did an AMAZING job representing me in this matter, I highly recommend him! Thanks again Ross!”
“I could not more highly recommend Ross Koplin if you have a serious traffic matter. I was charged with 28 points of violations, including two hit and run allegations arising out of the same event. Ross represented me both at the meeting with the DPD and in court. Ross succeeded in getting all of the charges dismissed – all 28 points. He has a strong knowledge of the law and, more importantly, a very strong knowledge of the traffic/criminal process and how to maneuver through it.”
“I got a speeding ticket….24 mph over the speed limit. I had also gotten a ticket 2 months prior so this was not a good situation. I hired Ross because I felt the ticket was unjust and the officer said I was going faster than I actually was. I gave the paperwork to Ross and I had to do nothing but wait. He handled everything and was able to get my points drastically reduced with a minimum court fine. I hope I don’t need his services again but if I do, I know he will take care of it.”
Denver Traffic Lawyer, Traffic Ticket Attorney, and Colorado DUI Articles
The following Denver traffic lawyer articles cover various legal topics such as traffic tickets, Denver traffic violation courts, suspension of a Colorado driver’s license, DMV hearings, testing of blood alcohol content, and other Colorado DUI issues such as criminal penalties and treatment.
- The Colorado Ignition Interlock Program As Of January 1, 2014
- Suspension of a Colorado Driver’s License After a Colorado Driving Under The Influence (DUI) Express Consent Administrative Hearing
- Criminal DUI Penalties, and Criminal DWAI Penalties, Applicable to Drivers Who Have No Previous Convictions –
- Colorado DUI Court Imposed Sanctions, and DWAI Court Imposed Sanctions, Applicable to Drivers With Prior Convictions
- Colorado Driver Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) Testing and Measurement For DUI and DWAI
- Colorado DUI Traffic Offender Education and Treatment
- Marijuana, the Colorado Driver, and Driving Under the Influence of Drugs (DUID): The Debate Continues
- Traffic Accidents and Car Accidents Help
- Why do I need a Traffic Attorney in Denver?
- Understanding Careless and Reckless Driving in Colorado
- What To Do If You Are In a Car Accident
- Colorado Driver’s License Points – How many points do I have?
- The Colorado Habitual Traffic Offender Law
- Denver County and Municipal Traffic Violation Courts
- Denver County Traffic Court Case Information Online Internet Resources
County Traffic and Speeding Tickets Courts Pages
The following are county traffic court information resources for traffic tickets, speeding tickets, and other traffic violations provided by Denver Traffic Lawyer.
- Adams County Courts
- Arapahoe County Courts
- Boulder County Courts
- Broomfield County Courts
- Douglas County Courts
- El Paso County Courts
Ross E. Koplin, Attorney at Law
(303) 831-8924
600 17th Street, Suite 2800
South Denver, Colorado 80202